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$ 6.90
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Spring mix of beads in blue colours.
Beads are glass, made in traditional Czech bead shop Rutkovsky.
This mix will bring a breath of spring to your wirework.

The weight of the package is 50g or 150g and contains 8 different types of beads. More

Product code: P00224-2 Shipping and Payment

Spring mix of beads in blue colours.
Beads are glass, made in traditional Czech bead shop Rutkovsky.
This mix will bring a breath of spring to your wirework.

The weight of the package is 50g or 150g and contains 8 different types of beads.

Check out red and pink mix too.

These are beads from traditional Czech production. Please note that despite thorough hand re-picking, approximately 5% of the beads may be faulty, with minor inaccuracies or damage.